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Mentoring is a way to develop a one-on-one relationship between an older, wiser, or more experienced person with someone who is younger, in need of guidance, or could benefit from such a relationship. Positive mentoring experiences can help young people improve their relationships with school, family, and peers. Studies have shown that children need only one bond with an adult who believes in them to help them be resilient through tough times.

Adult to Youth Mentoring

Adult to Youth

Big Brothers Big Sisters
The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth.

Education Northwest
The National Mentoring Center at Education Northwest provides training and free information for youth mentoring programs.


MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership
The Partnership is a nonprofit dedicated to organizing mentoring programs for children. This site gives information on how to become a mentor and how to start a mentoring program as well as research and ways to take action.

Peer Mentoring


Building Effective Peer Mentoring Programs in Schools: An Introductory Guide
Published by The Mentoring Resource Center in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, this guide provides information on the outcomes of peer mentoring and a guide on how to implement a quality program.

U.S. Department of Justice
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention published: Make a Friend – Be a Peer Mentor. This article describes how to implement and assess a peer mentoring program including potential pitfalls.

Journal Research Articles


Can Mentoring Promote Self-Esteem and School Connectedness? An Evaluation of the Mentor-UP Project​

Marino, C., Santinello, M., Lenzi, M., Santoro, P., Bergamin, M., Gaboardi, M., ... & Perkins, D. D. (2020). Can mentoring promote self-esteem and school connectedness? An evaluation of the mentor-UP project. Psychosocial Intervention, 29(1).

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Cross-Age Peer Mentoring for Elementary Students with Behavioral and Academic Risk Factors

McDaniel, S. C., & Besnoy, K. D. (2019). Cross-age peer mentoring for elementary students with behavioral and academic risk factors. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 63(3), 254-258.

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Tackling the Problem of Teenage Pregnancy in Looked‐After Children: A Peer Mentoring Approach

Mezey, G., Robinson, F., Gillard, S., Mantovani, N., Meyer, D., White, S., & Bonell, C. (2017). Tackling the problem of teenage pregnancy in looked‐after children: A peer mentoring approach. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 527-536.

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Evaluation of the Courage and Confidence Mentor Program as a Tier 2 Intervention for Middle School Students with Identified Internalizing Problems

Cook, C. R., Xie, S. R., Earl, R. K., Lyon, A. R., Dart, E., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Evaluation of the courage and confidence mentor program as a tier 2 intervention for middle school students with identified internalizing problems. School mental health, 7(2), 132-146.

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Peer Mentoring for Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review

Petosa, R. L., & Smith, L. H. (2014). Peer mentoring for health behavior change: A systematic review. American Journal of Health Education, 45(6), 351-357.

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The Role of Mentor Type and Timing in Predicting Educational Attainment

Fruiht, V. M., & Wray-Lake, L. (2013). The role of mentor type and timing in predicting educational attainment. Journal of youth and adolescence, 42(9), 1459-1472.

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