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Coping with disaster
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s web site offers tips for educators on how to help children who have endured trauma or a disaster.

National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement 
The Center published the Guidelines for Responding to the Death of a Student or School Staff to help school staff and administrators respond to a loss associated with their school.

American Psychological Association
The APA provides information on trauma and violence including how to cope with trauma, how to recognize signs of violence, links to current news articles, and recommended books.

The Child Trauma Institute 
The Institute promotes the healing and healthy development of children and adolescents who have experienced trauma or loss. The site has information on assessments, treatments, and research studies.

David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pages
Dr. Baldwin is a licensed psychologist whose expertise is in the treatment of emotional trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. He has compiled a comprehensive collection of resources including information on trauma and articles.

National Association of School Psychologists 
NASP provides resources for schools on school safety, violence prevention, crisis response, and trauma.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network
This web site has information on different types of trauma as well as resources for educators, a tool kit, and an informative newsletter.

Journal Research Articles


CSCORE does not endorse any of the following research studies.  Instead, our goal is to present you with the latest research being conducted.  It is up to you to decide if the study is reliable and valid.


School Counselors Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach Through Evidence-Based Practices

Alvarez, J. M., Saunders, R., Neubauer, E., & Brown, C. H. (2022). School counselors implementing a trauma-informed approach through evidence-based practices. Professional School Counseling, 26(1A), 1–8. 

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Exploring the Experiences of Counselors Responding to Crisis in Rural Communities

Fruetel, K. M., Duckworth, R. C., Scott, S. L., & Fenderson, E. N. (2022). Exploring the experiences of counselors responding to crisis in rural communities. Journal of rural mental health, 46(1), 40.

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Bringing Sanctuary to School: Assessing School Climate as a Foundation for Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed Approaches for Urban Schools

Blitz, L. V., Yull, D., & Clauhs, M. (2020). Bringing sanctuary to school: Assessing school climate as a foundation for culturally responsive trauma-informed approaches for urban schools. Urban Education, 55(1), 95-124.

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Bystander Program Effectiveness to Reduce Violence and Violence Acceptance within Sexual Minority Male and Female High School Students Using a Cluster RCT

Coker, A. L., Bush, H. M., Clear, E. R., Brancato, C. J., & McCauley, H. L. (2020). Bystander program effectiveness to reduce violence and violence acceptance within sexual minority male and female high school students using a cluster RCT. Prevention science, 21(3), 434-444.

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Evaluating a Gender Transformative Violence Prevention Program for Middle School Boys: A Pilot Study

Banyard, V. L., Edwards, K. M., Rizzo, A. J., Theodores, M., Tardiff, R., Lee, K., & Greenberg, P. (2019). Evaluating a gender transformative violence prevention program for middle school boys: A pilot study. Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 165-173. 

School Counselors Help Build Resilience after Natural Disaster

Warbington, N., Owenby, K., Brady, H., Shears, D. B., Burton, J., & Strong, K. (2019). School counselors help build resilience after natural disaster. European Journal of Educational Sciences.

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At-Risk Youth and Attachment-Based Therapy: Implications for Clinical Practice

Bianco, M. C. (2017). At-risk youth and attachment-based therapy: Implications for clinical practice. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 51(1).

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Examining the Association Between Bullying and Adolescent Concerns about Teen Dating Violence

Debnam, K. J., Johnson, S. L., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2014). Examining the association between bullying and adolescent concerns about teen dating violence. Journal of school health, 84(7), 421-428.

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Successful Implementation of a Federally Funded Violence Prevention Elementary School Counseling Program: Results Bring Sustainability

Duarte, D., & Hatch, T. (2014). Successful implementation of a federally funded violence prevention elementary school counseling program: Results bring sustainability. Professional School Counseling, 18(1).

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Crisis in the Curriculum? New Counselors' Crisis Preparation, Experiences, and Self‐Efficacy

Morris, C. A. W., & Minton, C. A. B. (2012). Crisis in the curriculum? New counselors' crisis preparation, experiences, and self‐efficacy. Counselor Education and Supervision, 51(4), 256-269.

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School-Based Support Groups for Traumatized Students

Leek Openshaw, L. (2011). School-based support groups for traumatized students. School Psychology International, 32(2), 163-178.

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An Invitation to Grieve: Reconsidering Critical Incident Responses by Support Teams in the School Setting

O'Brien, P., Mills, K., Fraser, A., & Andersson, J. (2011). An invitation to grieve: Reconsidering critical incident responses by support teams in the school setting. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 21(1), 60-73.

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A Qualitative Investigation of Averted School Shooting Rampages 
Daniels, J. A., Volungis, A., Pshenishny, E., Gandhi, P., Winkler, A., Cramer, D. P., & Bradley, M. C. (2010). A qualitative investigation of averted school shooting rampages. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(1), 69-95. 
Abstract and Journal Access

Curriculum Materials


What Works Clearinghouse - Too Good for Violence
The Institute of Education Sciences has found the Too Good for Violence intervention to show potentially positive effects.

Books & Book Chapters



Nathanson, A., Music, G., & Sternberg, J. (Eds.). (2021). From trauma to harming others: Therapeutic work with delinquent, violent and sexually harmful children and young people. Routledge.

Nelson, J. A., & Wines, L. A. (Eds.). (2020). Responding to Critical Cases in School Counseling: Building on Theory, Standards, and Experience for Optimal Crisis Intervention. Routledge.

Webb, N. B. (Ed.). (2004). Mass trauma and violence: Helping families and children cope. Guilford Press.

Parents & Educators

Coloroso, B. (2009). The bully, the bullied, and the bystander: From preschool to high school--how parents and teachers can help                  break the cycle (Rev. ed.). New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Dulmus, C., & Sowers, K. (2013). School-Based Violence Prevention Programs: A Review of Selected Programs with Empirical                            Evidence. Kids and Violence, 191-206.

Filio, S. (2020) Responding to Student Trauma: A Toolkit for Schools in Times of Crisis. Free Spirit Publishing.

Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks,            CA: Corwin.


Farber Straus, S. (2013). Healing Days: A Guide For Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma. Magination Press.

Pusey, M. (2018). Speranza's Sweater. Miramare Ponte Press.

Schmidt, F. (1994). Mediation: Getting to win win! Student handbook. Miami, FL: Peace Education Foundation.


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