Check out our new journal!
Counseling Scholarship & Practice in Educational Communities (CSPEC) is a peer-reviewed journal with a focus on empirical and conceptual scholarship pertaining to counseling activities that occur in and around preK-12 educational settings. The review board will consider submissions from various disciplines, not limited to school counseling, school social work, school psychology, and teaching, so long as the work is grounded in preventative and wellness counseling at the individual student or total school system levels.
Looking for information about our annual conference?
The Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference provides school counselors and educational stakeholders with professional development in effective cutting-edge school counseling program components and interventions that can create dynamic and powerful school counseling programs.

S117 Furcolo Hall
UMass Amherst
College of Education
813 N Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01002