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Caring School Community (K-8)

Caring School Community

Caring School Community is a comprehensive, research-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program that builds school-wide community, develops students’ social skills and SEL competencies, and enables a transformative stance on discipline.

This CASEL SELect program promotes positive behavior through direct teaching of responsibility, empathy, and cooperation, creating settings where students feel heard, known, and cared for. Students become intrinsically motivated to contribute productively to a community they feel invested in, and where they know they matter.




  • Build and focus on the school community - including students, parents, and all school staff

  • Build and foster relationships between peers, students and the school, and school staff and students

  • Develop student self-discipline and responsibility to others through a unique stance on discipline

  • Create calm, safe classrooms more conducive to learning

  • Address discipline practices and shift from punishment to restorative repair



$200 per teacher's package 

$175 per principal's package



Collaborative Classroom works in partnership with the school district to implement the program. Online professional learning and development resources are also available, including webinars, articles, a Facebook Community, and the Teacher Learning System the provides ongoing professional learning opportunities.



30 lessons, 30 minutes each, once a day



In a 3 CASEL studies of the Caring School Community program on grades K-6, researchers found improved academic performance, increased positive social behavior, reduced conduct problems, and reduced emotional distress.


Positive Action (PreK-12)

Positive Action

Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions.

The Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF) illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts.


When this cycle is negative, students do not want to learn. When this cycle is positive, students want to learn. The essence of the program is to emphasize those actions that promote a healthy and positive cycle. The Positive Action program works through these concepts in a systematic way.



Positive Action is organized into seven units by grade level:

  1. Self Concept

  2. Positive actions for your body and mind

  3. Managing yourself responsibly

  4. Treating others the way you like to be treated

  5. Telling yourself the truth

  6. Improving Yourself Continually

  7. Review



  • Establish and appreciate one's self concept

  • Learn about healthy, positive actions for physical and intellectual health

  • Learn how manage one's resources and emotions

  • Learn positive ways of interacting with others, including a focus on respect and empathy

  • Learn personal accountability and self-honesty

  • Improve oneself by integrating the physical, intellectual, and social/emotional domains and set short and long term goals



Individual grade kits (Grade 1 Kit, Grade 2 Kit, etc.) cost $400 a piece. High school kits range from $500-$525 .For consumable materials like worksheets, there are refresher kits available for $150. A subscription option is also available, in addition to bundles. For example, the elementary starter bundle costs $2,155 and includes 6 classroom kits grades K-5; the middle school starter bundle costs $1,215 and includes 3 classroom kits grades 6-8; the high school starter bundle costs $1,935 and includes four classroom kits. A supplemental Counselor Kit costs $200.



  • Online Webinar: $550 for the first two hours, $300 plus kit cost for each additional topic: High School, Climate Development, Family Classes and Community. Effective for up to 20 participants.

  • On-Site Orientation: $3,000 per day plus travel expenses, including Trainer's travel time. Plus the purchase of the appropriate kits. Effective for up to 50 participants.

  • On-Site Training of Trainers: $3,000 per day plus travel expenses, including Trainer's travel time. Plus the purchase of the appropriate kits. Effective for up to 25 participants.



140 10-15 minute lessons per year



In two CASEL studies of the Positive Action program on grades k-5, researchers found improved academic performance and reduced conduct problems.

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Olweus Bullying Prevention Program


The Olweus Program (pronounced Ol-VAY-us) is a comprehensive approach that includes schoolwide, classroom, individual, and community components. The program is focused on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate. It is designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high and high schools (K-12). The program’s goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among students, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy. The Olweus Program has been implemented in more than a dozen countries around the world, and in thousands of schools in the United States.


There are eight school level, three classroom level, five individual level, and three community level components. The school level components include a 12 hour training for the Bullying Prevention Coordination Committee and a 6-hour all-staff training.




  • Reduce existing bullying

  • Prevent the development of new bullying problems

  • Achieve better peer relations at school



  • OBPP Classroom Curriculum Kit: $1,500

  • School Support Packages range from $79-$195

  • Depends on school size and community

  • ​


  • 12-hour training (virtual and in-person options) involving 1 or 2 schools' Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committees - $3,000 

    • A maximum of $125/hour for 12 to 24 months for consultation for each school site.​

    • No more than an additional $250 per half-day of travel time for the trainer to travel to and from the training site. 

    • Travel costs for the trainer.​

    • If two trainers are present (required when 3 schools' BPCCs are being trained), fees may increase accordingly, up to a maximum of $4,500 for the 12-hour training

  • Train the Trainer Option: $3,925

    • 22 hour training and consultation with Olweus mentor​

    • Program materials



Weekly lessons for K-8, biweekly for 9-12



  • Fifty percent or more reductions in student reports of being bullied and bullying others. 

  • Significant reductions in student reports of general antisocial behavior such as school bullying, vandalism, school violence, fighting, theft, and truancy.

  • Significant improvements in the classroom social climate as reflected in students' reports of improved order and discipline, more positive social relationships, and more positive attitudes toward schoolwork and school.

  • Greater support for students who are bullied, and stronger, more effective interventions for students who bully (

PeaceBuilders (PreK-12)


PeaceBuilders is a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for grades pre-K to 12. Its essence is a common language - six principles, taught, modeled and practiced. These same principles set behavioral expectations, reduce aggression, and transform the climate and culture of any environment to one which is cooperative, productive, and academically successful.




  • Start Early

  • Engage Parents Prior to Adolescence

  • Praise Good Behavior on a Daily Basis

  • Discourage Insults and Other Acts of Aggression

  • Make PeaceBuilding a Way of Life

  • Distribute Implementable, Practical Tools to Improve School Climate

  • Engage the Community in PeaceBuilders Values and Behaviors



  • $2,500 for PeaceBuilders Essentials Workshop that includes participant materials

    • $1,250-$1,875 for additional workshops​

  • Curriculum materials range in price between $85-$140 for cd or hardcover manuals. Additional program materials range from $.50 to $220 and include incentives like buttons and posters



  • 4-hour PeaceBuilders Essentials Workshop plus 2-hour implementation meeting with PeaceBuilders Leadership team

    • Additional workshops available for new staff, parents, new activities, support staff, and peer leaders  



  • Embedded into classroom

    • Example: PeaceBuilders pledge recited every morning​



  • In a comparison study funded by the Centers for Disease Control, schools that implemented PeaceBuilders saw a decrease in nurse and office referrals for injuries and discipline due to in-school violence. Increased social competence and social skills, as well as a decrease in aggression were also found.


Second Step Violence Prevention (PreK-8)

Second Step

The Second Step program is a universal prevention program for early learning through middle school and is designed to increase students’ school success and decrease problem behaviors by promoting social-emotional competence and self-regulation. It teaches skills that strengthen students’ ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems. The Second Step program targets key risk and protective factors linked to a range of problem behaviors. Equipping students with Second Step skills helps a school create a safer, more respectful learning environment that promotes school success for all.




  • Teach all students pro-social, community building skills



  • Second Step is available digitally through a subscription model 

    • Single school one-year prices range from $2,259 to $3,103 depending                                                                                                  on the number of students. 3 year and 5 year licensing options are also available​

    • Multi-site purchase prices depend on the number of schools or licenses needed

  • Second Step is also available through physical classroom kits

    • A package of classroom kits for grades k-5 costs $2,359​

    • Individual classroom kits range from $409-$459 each

  • Additional programs and materials are available

    • For example: Second Step Bullying Prevention Program costs an additional $1,129​



  • Module 1: Principals & Program Coordinators (45-60 minutes)

  • Module 2: All Staff Training (75-90 minutes)

  • Module 3: Teach the Lessons (45-60 minutes)



  • 13-27 weeks of lessons, 5-7 minutes to 50-60 minutes long depending on early learning or middle school



In two CASEL studies of the Second Step Violence Prevention program on grades 1-6, researchers found increased positive social behavior, reduced conduct problems, and reduced emotional distress.

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Steps to Respect (3-6)

Steps to Respect

Steps to Respect: A Bullying Prevention Program promotes a whole-school approach

to bullying by addressing factors at the school, staff, family, individual-child, and

peer-group levels. Intervening at multiple levels is the most effective way to reduce

school bullying. The Steps to Respect program involves fostering a respectful school

culture, developing school policies and procedures, staff training, student skill

development, and communication with families. The program consists of schoolwide,

staff, family, and student components.




  • Increase school staff's awareness of and responsiveness to bullying situations.

  • Foster socially responsible beliefs among students.

  • Enhance social and emotional skills to counter bullying and to promote healthy relationships.

  • Promote actions (e.g., joining groups, resolving conflict) associated with general social competence.

  • Reduce bullying (and related problems) and improve positive bystander behavior.



  • $859 - Steps to Respect School-Wide Implementation Support Kit

    • Includes program guide and three grade level kits​

    • $249 for each additional kit

  • ​


  • Steps to Respect School-Wide Implementation Support Kit

    • 3-hour all staff training (teachers, counselors, bus drivers, custodians, etc.)

      • 1.5 hour coaching training (counselors, teachers, administrators)​

      • 2 hour curriculum training (teachers)

      • Four 15-30 minute booster sessions throughout the year

    • 2-hour family training component

  • Committee for Children will do on-site training upon request for $1,500 plus travel



  • 11 50-minute lessons presented over 12 to 14 weeks



​In two CASEL studies of the Steps to Respect program on grades 3-6, researchers found increased positive social behavior and reduced conduct problems.


Bully Busters (K-8)

Bully Busters

The Bully Busters approach is research based and emphasizes both control and prevention. It helps teachers increase their awareness, knowledge base, and intervention skills to attack the root causes of bullying behavior and to deal with the problem confidently. The manual is organized into seven/eight learning modules. Each module includes a teacher information component and a series of classroom activities. The activities are designed to increase student participation in reducing and preventing bullying, as well as to strengthen the teacher/student relationship.




  • Increase student exposure to strong social role models

  • Reduce exposure to aggressive behaviors

  • Create more positive school climate

  • Provide material to help facilitate classroom discussions that help students                                                                                understand the factors and consequences associated with bullying and victimization

  • Social skills needed for conflict resolution



  • $35.99 per teacher's manual (K-5; 6-8)

    • Each manual contains eight (7 for middle school) modules and up to 36 activities, in addition to a CD with reproducible forms and handouts included in the book.​

  • ​


  • N/A - teacher's manual



  • Up to 36 lessons



Orpinas, Horne, & Staniszewski (2003) found that a whole school bullying prevention program that included components of the elementary school Bully Busters curriculum led to a reduction in self-reported aggressive behavior among kindergarten through 5th grade students. At the middle school level, the program has been shown to increase teacher knowledge, increase teachers’ belief that they are able to address bullying, and decrease office referrals for bullying (Newman-Carlson & Horne, 2004).



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