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4Rs (Prek-8)


The 4Rs curriculum (Reading, Writing, Respect & Resolution) engages the imagination

and creativity of children in grades PreK-5 to help develop critical skills including empathy,

community building, and conflict resolution. It begins with a story. Gathering the class

together, the teacher reads aloud from a children’s book, choosing a story that dramatizes

a social and emotional challenge for the main characters. Children are guided through

writing exercises, role-playing, and meaningful discussion, as the teacher poses questions

about how the characters handled conflict, how they might be feeling, and what alternatives

exist for making new decisions.


The 4Rs curriculum opens the door for children to look more closely at their own experiences, and gives them clear tools for handling difficult emotions and resolving conflict with their peers. Meanwhile,  teachers learn strategies they can use throughout the day to create a higher quality classroom experience in which students are focused, settled, and poised to learn.




Help develop empathy, community building and conflict resolution skills

Help students handle difficult emotions and resolve conflict with peers

Teach teachers strategies to create a classroom experience with students who are focused, settled and poised to learn



Teaching guides are priced at $225 and are available only with the purchase of 4Rs training and coaching services



Typically 25-30 hours of required initial training

Train the trainer system available



Approximately 35 lessons, once a week throughout the year



In a CASEL study of the 4R Program on grades 3-4, researchers found improved academic performance, increased positive social behavior, reduced conduct problems, and reduced emotional distress


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Responsive Classroom (K-8)

Responsive Classroom

Responsive Classroom is a student-centered, social and emotional learning (SEL)

approach to teaching and discipline. It is comprised of a set of research- and

evidence-based practices designed to create safe, joyful, and engaging classroom

and school communities for both students and teachers. Schools and teachers that

adopt the Responsive Classroom approach focus on (1) creating optimal learning

conditions for students to develop the academic, social, and emotional skills needed

for success in and out of school, and (2) building positive school and classroom

communities where students learn, behave, hope, and set and achieve goals.


In order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and

emotional competencies—cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and

self-control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.




  • Teach social and emotional skills in addition to academic content.

  • How we teach is as important as what we teach.

  • Great cognitive growth occurs through social interaction.

  • How we work together as adults to cre­ate a safe, joyful, and inclusive school environment is as important as our individual contribution or competence.

  • What we know and believe about our students—individually, culturally, developmentally—informs our expec­tations, reactions, and attitudes about those students.

  • Partnering with families—knowing them and valuing their contributions—is as important as knowing the children we teach.



Varies by product and quantity purchased. Elementary and Middle School Essential Bundles: $185 each



  • School-Wide Professional Development

  • Four Day Institutes

  • One Day Workshops - virtual and in-person options 8:30-3:30 or 6-8pm over three nights

  • Free Webinars



In a CASEL study of the Responsive Classroom program on grades 3-5, researchers found improved academic performance.

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Student Success Skills

Student Success Skills (K-12)

The Student Success Skills (SSS) program helps students develop learning, social, and self-management skills associated with academic success. ​





  • Improve cognitive and metacognitive skills: goal setting, progress monitoring, and                                                                        memory-enhancing skills

  • Improve self-management skills: managing attention, motivation, anxiety, and anger

  • Improve social skills: communication skills, social problem solving, and listening skills

  • Improve attitudes: building healthy optimism and self-efficacy

  • Create a caring and supportive class environment



Varies by product. $85 per manual (available for grade level, reinforcement groups, exceptional populations, college and career, and parents); K-1 Ready to Learn program manual and books $195



​The detailed manuals are designed not to require training, but training is available for counselors and teachers by the program developers upon request. They've also developed a train the trainer model. Training grants as well as guidance on different funding programs are available.



Classrooms: Five 45-minute lessons

Groups: Eight weekly 45 minute lessons to reinforce classroom SSS lessons and add social problem-solving component



In a CASEL study of the Student Success Skills program on grades 7, 9 and 10, researchers found improved academic performance and SEL skills and attitudes. SSS has over 20 outcome studies with more in progress.


**Manuals available in Spanish.



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